Bleaching Step 2
Ok. If you are sure you are ready and your hair is healthy and conditioned then you are ready to start bleaching
Run down to Sally's Beauty Supply and stock up on a tub of powdered bleach. A bottle of 30 volume developer and some conditioner to protect your hair during the bleaching process.
Less than $30 is what I invested in this.
The bucket of bleach is a powder and it comes with a small scooper. I follow the instructions and mix a 1:1 ratio of powdered bleach with developer. In other words for every scoop of powder I put in I also put one scoop of developer.
About the developer. 30 volume is strong and I would not recommend anything stronger. You can get clear developer and creme developer. I use creme because it is thicker and a little easier for me to work with so clear or creme is up to you. the clear is too runny for this old guy to keep control of.
The conditioner is optional but highly recommend. just add one tube of it to the mix and your have some extra protection.
For my hair and beard I strt with 3 scoops of bleach and 3 of developer so I have enough to cover everything.
If you have some sweet and low sitting around I advise you add it to the mix. Just 2 packets does the trick. Not sure how it works but it will help take the sting and burn out of the mix. It will sting and burn your skin but for some reason this helps.
I use the brush shown to apply the mix to my beard but honestly when you first try this you will get it all over so stay away from nice furniture and clothing.
I apply the mixture to my beard first since it is the hardest to bleach. as soon as I am finished I take another grocery bag and strap it to my ears like a feed bag once again. I make sure I get it below my nose so I can breath without fumes. I have recently seen pictures where the Santa's have tubes in their mouths so they can breath fresh air instead of bleach fumes and I may try that in the future.
Next I apply it to my head but I do not massage it into the scalp.
Now another grocery bag goes on my head. All of these grocery bags are to trap the heat that is generated by the bleaching process. The temperature of your hair does go up.
I start my timer for 30 minutes. I never ever leave the bleach on for longer than 30 minutes. I do not check it to see if it is the desired color. Because leaving it on longer would damage it. Plenty of time next time to reach the desired color.
Now I go to the shower and rinse off all of the bleach.
I condition in the shower then again when I get out I apply a leave in conditioner.
Now you may look something like this.

And thats OK.
At this point you can immediately do another bleaching or wait awhile and let your skin take a break. I prefer to wait and you would be surprised how many people ask if you if you are trying to be Santa clause. They see a guy with a bleached beard and a light bulb goes off and Santa is the first thing they come up with.
Now you are going to need to continue this step for however amnyu times it takes to get your hair the color of the inside of a banana. A pale yellow. no orange or dark yellow.
Kind of like this
Here is a great guide of colors
When you are at the pale yellow you are ready for the next step!
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